
Friday, December 30, 2011

Sci-fi Dude

this guy started as a speedsculpt to test dynamesh and hard surface sculpting and finaly I decided to finish him

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Here's an update on the sci-fi bust.

and finished the zombie, this is what I call a speedBust, instead of only practicing sculpting I quickly do the hole pipeline

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dynamesh Testing

Hi, finaly tested the new Zbrush dynamesh workflow, really great took a sculpt to get used to it. Will try to finish the last two.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Capsule WIP2 - Normals + AO

Hi!, pushed this thing a little further, so here's a progress on the low poly, normals and ambient occulsion almost done, still a few tweeks to do and then off to the texturing fase.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Capsule WIP1

To stay in the hard surface register, here's a sci-fi capsule I started today

AmmoBox - texturing practice

Made this ammobox to practice my hard surface texturing skills.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Comicon 2011 | Jokerette Final Shots

Made a female version of the 'Joker' for the 2011 Comicon Challenge
8250 tri's
2048xDiffuse, Normal, Specular

Marmoset test

Tested out Marmoset with some older work

Friday, September 23, 2011

Comicon Challenge || Jokerette

Hi, haven't updated this blogg in a while, so here are the latest updates on the Jokerette.

normal + AO bake

Texturing wip

Friday, August 19, 2011

Comicon Challenge

A challenge that I just couldn't resist, just had to participate, even with all the other stuff I have to do.
So I'm making a female version of the Joker, the Jokerette :D, I'll keep her quite simple knowing I don't realy have a lot of time to spend on this.
Here's a quick concept sketch.

started playing with zbrush, trying to get a nice head for a mad woman

blocking out the body

still had time to push her a little further, now I'm going to enjoy the nice weather for a while

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Beavis and Butthead

Hi guy's here's tonight's speedsculpt, wanted to do this for a while, the result is not that great but it was a lot of fun to make, and off course butthead will follow! (will try to do this tomorrow)

as promised, here's Butthead


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Female Elf sculpt

here's a speedsculpt I just made, man it's not easy sculpting a woman's face

Sunday, May 22, 2011

DW V - Final Shots

Well with this dude I've just finished my first contest and also my second NG character, and I hope a lot more will follow :D. Learned so many things while making this guy, had a real good time.
when's the next contest :p